Why Expungement Lawyer MN?


It might not always be feasible to expunge a consequential conviction from your criminal record. However, if you believe you may be eligible for an expungement, it is crucial that you contact expungement lawyer Mark Herman. Mark’s insightful and committed approach has helped clients achieve expungements and start their life anew.

Everyone makes mistakes. Often, youthful mistakes haunt individuals far after they’ve shed the impulsiveness that characterized their younger self. But although those mistakes happened during youth, the ones that produced a criminal conviction can carry long-term negative consequences. Fortunately, Minnesota residents have the opportunity to erase criminal convictions under specific qualifying conditions.

A criminal conviction can impact your ability to secure employment, acquire a loan, or find housing, making the present an endless reminder of the past. If you are still suffering from the mistakes of your past, the next step is to seek the advice and representation of an experienced expungement lawyer.

Why Choose Mark?

When a criminal conviction is keeping you from fully realizing your potential and goals, the single most efficacious step possible is to seek a practiced lawyer who will fight assertively to safeguard your rights, help you navigate legal labyrynths, and offer seasoned legal representation directly addressing your needs. Mark Herman is passionate about his mission: to help his clients make their lives a reflection of their present potential.

After you have secured Mark’s representation, you’ll be partnered with an experienced and compassionate professional who is not intimidated by the intricacy of the law. Mark will be there with you at every court proceeding. He will bring the ful weight of his experience with the justice system to produce the best possible outcome.

Get Started!

Set up a FREE consultation with Mark by calling 612-382-4545 or by filling out our brief contact form.


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